小升初语文面试真题[04-24 22:24:00] 来源:http://www.guaimaomi.com 小升初面试 阅读:9579次
概要:orrow?女生:I‘m going to the zoo in the morning and go to visit my teacher in the afternoonQuestion:what is the woman going to do in the afternoon?A、she is going to the zooB、she is going to visit her friends.C、she is going to visit her teacher.D、she will stay at home.2、大意为:男生刚购买一套房子,女士询问可否带他参观下。 www.guaimaomi.com Question:What does the woman want to do?She wants to have a look at the house.She wants to buy a house.She wants to watche a movie.she wants to drink tea in his house.3、大意为:男生问女生还要多久才能出门,女生回答:不久,大概十分钟。女生又说:你可以在花园等一会吗?男士回答:可以。Question:How long will the man wait?About 10 minutesAbout 15 minutesA 小升初语文面试真题,http://www.guaimaomi.com【编者按】www.guaimaomi.com小升初为大家收集整理了“小升初语文面试真题”供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助! 第一部分:英语听力(50分) 根据你听到的内容,选择相符合的图片(每小题10分) pictureA:一个老汉坐在黄河旁边。 pictureB:陡峭的山。 pictureC:江南小城,图中有一条河流,河上有船只,两边为房屋。 pictureD:马匹在草原上。 pictureE:长城。 你将会听到五段对话,每段对话对应一个问题,选择问题的最佳答案(每小题4分) 男生:what are you going to do tomorrow? 女生:I‘m going to the zoo in the morning and go to visit my teacher in the afternoon Question:what is the woman going to do in the afternoon? A、she is going to the zoo B、she is going to visit her friends. C、she is going to visit her teacher. D、she will stay at home. 2、大意为:男生刚购买一套房子,女士询问可否带他参观下。 www.guaimaomi.com
Question:What does the woman want to do? She wants to have a look at the house. She wants to buy a house. She wants to watche a movie. she wants to drink tea in his house. 3、大意为:男生问女生还要多久才能出门,女生回答:不久,大概十分钟。 女生又说:你可以在花园等一会吗? 男士回答:可以。 Question:How long will the man wait? About 10 minutes About 15 minutes About 5 minutes About 25 minutes 4、女:Your mother was looking for you 男:when? 女:At nine past ten. 男:Oh,i was reading at the readingroom at nine past ten. Question:when did the boy read? A、9:09 B、9:10 C、10:09 D、10:10 听短文,将五个句子排序(每题3分) 这是一篇关于倾听别人的文章。文章中,作者描述了自己的实际例子,她有一个朋友有一次来找她倾述心事,作者很用心地倾听了。最后朋友开心的笑了。朋友说:你知道为什么每次我都来找你说心事吗?因为你每次都能用心听。
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