四年级寒假英语周记400字范文精选[04-24 22:23:23] 来源:http://www.guaimaomi.com 四年级英语寒假作业 阅读:9146次
概要:. Once there were more than 700 thousand people playing it together on line.Playing this game you need three things. First of all you need an account number. Then you should fill in your personal information and download this game. OK! You can play it yourself. Now I tell you how to play it. It is very easy! Pressing Direction Key to control the leading role. Pressing Blank Space to free a bleb. The bleb will detonate after three seconds. You should make the leading role evade the water column。If you can’t do that you will be failed.I also want to tell you that play computer games in right time is good for your health but if you fall in compute 四年级寒假英语周记400字范文精选,http://www.guaimaomi.com【摘要】时间飞逝,2014年的寒假如约而至。新的一年,新的希冀。对于广大小学生朋友来说怎样才能度过一个既快乐又充实的寒假呢?为此www.guaimaomi.com小学频道为大家搜集整理了四年级寒假英语周记400字范文,让大家在享受假期的同时,轻松愉快的安排好自己的学习生活! I want to introduce a popular computer game to you. Its name is Paopaotang in Chinese. It is the most popular green computer game in China. Once there were more than 700 thousand people playing it together on line. Playing this game you need three things. First of all you need an account number. Then you should fill in your personal information and download this game. OK! You can play it yourself. Now I tell you how to play it. It is very easy! Pressing Direction Key to control the leading role. Pressing Blank Space to free a bleb. The bleb will detonate after three seconds. You should make the leading role evade the water column。If you can’t do that you will be failed. I also want to tell you that play computer games in right time is good for your health but if you fall in computer games is very bad for you! So you should play it when your other things have been finished. 我们希望为大家搜集整理的四年级寒假英语周记400字范文符合大家的实际需要,能够让大家的寒假过得充实而又快乐! 相关推荐 2014年寒假作文、日记大全 小学四年级寒假生活英语周记 www.guaimaomi.com
标签:四年级英语寒假作业,小学四年级英语寒假作业大全,寒假作业答案,小学英语教学 - 小学英语辅导 - 四年级英语辅导 - 四年级英语寒假作业