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[04-24 22:23:23]   来源:http://www.guaimaomi.com  五年级英语试卷   阅读:9236

概要:阅读下面短文,判断句子正误,在题前的括号内正确的打“T”,错误的打“F”(10分)Today is Sunday. My father and I go to my uncle’s farm. I see many animals here. I am very happy. My father helps my grandmother do the work. I play football on the farm. At noon(在中午),they feel tired. We have lunch on the farm.( ) 1. Today is Saturday.( ) 2. My father and I go to my grandmother’s farm.( ) 3. I play football on the farm.( ) 4. At noon, my father and my grandmother feel tired.( ) 5. We have supper on the farm.由精品小编为大家整理的浙江版:小学5年级上学期英语期中考试卷就到这里了。希望大家考试顺利!相关推荐小学五年级英语期中试卷模拟精选 人教版小学生五年级英语期中模拟 五年级英语期中考试卷精选集小学五年级英语期中模拟考精选 www.guaimaomi.com上一页 [1


(  ) 1. How old are you ?             A. No, you can’t.

(  ) 2. Which one do you want ?       B. I am ten.

(  ) 3. Here you are.                 C. The thick one.

(  ) 4.Can I have more ?             D. I like lollipops.

(  ) 5.What do you like?             E. Thank you.


Today is Sunday. My father and I go to my uncle’s farm. I see many animals here. I am very happy. My father helps my grandmother do the work. I play football on the farm. At noon(在中午),they feel tired. We have lunch on the farm.

(  ) 1. Today is Saturday.

(  ) 2. My father and I go to my grandmother’s farm.

(  ) 3. I play football on the farm.

(  ) 4. At noon, my father and my grandmother feel tired.

(  ) 5. We have supper on the farm.








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