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六年级英语下册Unit 7 The Biggest Animal同步习题

[10-18 00:00:14]   来源:http://www.guaimaomi.com  六年级英语试卷   阅读:9403

概要:唱歌的。one, the students, like sing, very much5. 这个男孩想要些东西吃吗?would, like, eat6. 格林先生说中国人民很友好。Mr. Green, say, Chinese people, very, friendly7. 你该上学了。time, for you, go, school8. 露希认为北海公园又大又漂亮。Lucy, think, Beihai Park, big, and beautiful(漂亮的)9. 他父亲目前在上海工作。his father, work, in Shanghai, now10. 他哥哥喜欢英语,但他一点也不喜欢。his brother, like, English, but, he, not, like, at all11. 看,一只风筝像鸟一样在空中飞翔。look, a, kite, fly, in the sky, a bird12. 这是你的球吗?不,这个球是他们的。this, your ball, no, the ball13. 那个学生想回家做作业。that, student, want, go home, do, his homework14. 她的妈妈让她起床。mother, let, get up15. 这个男孩的车有毛病了。something, wrong, the boy’s bike16. 我认为爸爸不能修好这只钟。think, father, can, mend, th

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六年级英语下册Unit 7 The Biggest Animal同步习题


1. 课桌上有很多把刀子。

be, many, knife, desk

2. 她的爸爸会开车,因为他是司机。

father, can, drive, because(因为), driver

3. 车里的女孩是谁?你认识她吗?

the girl, in the car, you, know

4. 学生中有一位非常喜欢唱歌的。

one, the students, like sing, very much

5. 这个男孩想要些东西吃吗?

would, like, eat

6. 格林先生说中国人民很友好。

Mr. Green, say, Chinese people, very, friendly

7. 你该上学了。

time, for you, go, school

8. 露希认为北海公园又大又漂亮。

Lucy, think, Beihai Park, big, and beautiful(漂亮的)

9. 他父亲目前在上海工作。

his father, work, in Shanghai, now

10. 他哥哥喜欢英语,但他一点也不喜欢。

his brother, like, English, but, he, not, like, at all

11. 看,一只风筝像鸟一样在空中飞翔。

look, a, kite, fly, in the sky, a bird

12. 这是你的球吗?不,这个球是他们的。

this, your ball, no, the ball

13. 那个学生想回家做作业。

that, student, want, go home, do, his homework

14. 她的妈妈让她起床。

mother, let, get up

15. 这个男孩的车有毛病了。

something, wrong, the boy’s bike

16. 我认为爸爸不能修好这只钟。

think, father, can, mend, the clock, well

17. 他正在房间里看电视吗?

he, watch, TV, in the room


1. There are many knives on the desk.

2. Her father can drive a car. Because he is a driver.

3. Who’s the girl in the car? Do you know her?

4. One of the students likes singing very much.

5. Would the boy like something go eat?

6. Mr. Green says the Chinese people are very friendly.

7. It’s time for you to go to school.

8. Lucy thinks Beihai Park is big and beautiful.

9. His father works in Shanghai now.

10. His brother likes English. But he doesn’t like it at all.

11. Look! A kite is flying like a bird in the sky.

12. Is this your ball? No, the ball is theirs.

13. That student wants to go home to do his homework.

14. Her mother lets her get up.

15. There’s something wrong with the boy’s bike.

16. I don’t think my father can mend the clock well.

17. Is he watching TV in the room?

以上就是六年级英语下册Unit 7 The Biggest Animal同步习题全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


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