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[04-24 22:23:23]   来源:http://www.guaimaomi.com  六年级英语试卷   阅读:9570

概要:permarket( )5.A.dangerous B.excited C.worried二.听录音,判断下列句子与你听到的是否相同,相同的打“√”,不同的打“×”(10分)( )1. Chang’e didn’t want to fly to the moon.( )2.You are talking loudly. Please play quietly.( )3.Lingling and Dongdong are playing in the living room.( )4.My ruler is 12 centimetres long.( )5.Katie’s father is never late for work.三.听录音,根据所听到句子的先后顺序给下列图片排序。(10分)第二部分 笔试(70分)四.抄写,请按四线三格的正确格式书写。(10分)fly often bench wake up Underwater World五.单项选择。(每题三分,共30分)( )1.Mingming is throwing stones ¬_____ the dog.A. at B. on C. in( )2.The dog is _____to Mingming.A. runing B. r



第一部分   听力(30分)

一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词(10分)

(  )1.A.quickly        B.loudly        C.quietly

(  )2.A.angry         B. ugly         C.hungry

(  )3.A.6:05          B.6:15         C.6:30

(  )4.A.cinema        B.library       C.supermarket

(  )5.A.dangerous     B.excited       C.worried


(  )1. Chang’e didn’t want to fly to the moon.

(  )2.You are talking loudly. Please play quietly.

(  )3.Lingling and Dongdong are playing in the living room.

(  )4.My ruler is 12 centimetres long.

(  )5.Katie’s father is never late for work.


第二部分   笔试(70分)


fly   often    bench    wake up    Underwater World


(  )1.Mingming is throwing stones ¬_____ the dog.

A. at      B. on     C. in

(  )2.The dog is _____to Mingming.

A. runing     B. run      C. running

(  )3. Let’s _____ to the library.

A. go     B. goes    C. going

(  )4.It’s raining ______.

A. heavys     B. heavy    C. heavily

(  )5.I want _____ read science stories.

A. go     B. to    C. on

(  )6.She always ______her face at 6:05am.

A. wash     B.washes    C. washing.

(  )7.Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the ____ of the ____lunar month.

A. fifteen, eighth     B. fifteenth, eight  C. fifteenth, eighth

(  )8.I go to school ____ bike .

A.on     B. with    C. by

(  )9.They tried ____ each other when there is a full moon.

A. saw    B. to see   C. sees

(  )10.—____you make the cake? —Yes, I can.

A. Are    B. Is      C. Can


(  )1. A. bull             B. lion        C. big

(  )2. A. mooncake       B. egg yolk     C. room

(  )3. A. telephone       B. noisily       C. quietly

(  )4. A. supermarket     B. library       C. stones

(  )5. A. always          B. famlily       C. often



I                               II

(  ) 1. How tall are you ?              A. I’m always tried.

(  ) 2. What are you doing?           B. I went to the zoo.

(  ) 3. What’s the matter with you?     C. I’m 35 kilogrammes.

(  ) 4.How heavy are you?            D. I’m doing my homework.

(  ) 5.Where did you go yesterday?     E. I’m 152 centimetres tall..


Anne is my good friend. She always gets up early every day. On weekdays, she always gets up at 6:00. She always washes her face at 6:30am. Then she makes her bed at 6:45. Her family usually has breakfast at 7:00. Anne has a sister, Sally is often late. She often has breakfast at 7:15. Anne and her sister usually go to school at 7:30.

(   ) 1. Sally is my good friends.

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