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[10-18 00:19:18]   来源:http://www.guaimaomi.com  初一英语试卷   阅读:9910

概要:.There are many green l on the tree in summer.答案:leaves 树上有很多叶子,故leaf用其复数leaves。←注意名词的单复数。4.The g have long necks.Many people want to see them.答案:giraffes 有长脖子且首字母以g开头的,本单元所学的只有giraffe,关键词necks,them表明“长颈鹿”为多个。←看特征。5.We have Chinese,math,English and o subjects.答案:other “其他的”。Ⅱ.单项选择6.He is _____.He is very good at math.A.busy B.lazy C.clever答案:C 从后一句“他擅长数学”看,busy“忙”lazy“懒”不合适,故选C“聪明的”。←注意前后句的因果关系。7.—_____ doesn’t she go with you?—Because she has much homework to do.A.What B.Why C.When答案:B 回答用“because”引导,则问句应询问原因。←回答用because...。8.Whe





1.What a do you like?I like dogs best.

答案:animals “dogs”为复数形式。


2.Class begins.Please be q .

答案:quiet 原因为“开始上课了”。←Class begins.上课。

3.There are many green l on the tree in summer.

答案:leaves 树上有很多叶子,故leaf用其复数leaves。←注意名词的单复数。

4.The g have long necks.Many people want to see them.

答案:giraffes 有长脖子且首字母以g开头的,本单元所学的只有giraffe,关键词necks,them表明“长颈鹿”为多个。←看特征。

5.We have Chinese,math,English and o subjects.

答案:other “其他的”。


6.He is _____.He is very good at math.

A.busy B.lazy C.clever

答案:C 从后一句“他擅长数学”看,busy“忙”lazy“懒”不合适,故选C“聪明的”。←注意前后句的因果关系。

7.—_____ doesn’t she go with you?

—Because she has much homework to do.

A.What B.Why C.When

答案:B 回答用“because”引导,则问句应询问原因。←回答用because...。

8.Where do lions come_____?

A.from B.in C.into

答案:A come与三个选项搭配的含义如下:come from意为“来自”;come in意为“进来”;come into意为“进入”。←注意句意的合理性。

9.Let’s _____ the pandas first.

A.seeing B.to see C.see

答案:C “让某人做某事”为let sb. do sth.,所以let之后的动词须用原形。←let的用法。

10.—_____ are koalas from?


A.When B.What C.Where

答案:C 回答表示地点。←看回答。

11.My mother doesn’t like _____.

A.run B.swimming C.skating

答案:C like可以加两种形式:like to do sth. 或like doing sth.,swim应双写m加ing,即swimming。←注意like的用法。

12.I like this story-book because it’s very _____.

A.cute B.interesting C.smart

答案:B cute和smart修饰人或动物,一般不修饰没有生命的东西;“我”喜欢的原因是“故事书”有趣。←提示词:story-book。

13.The koala gets up and _____ at night.

A.eats leaf B.eat leaf C.eats leaves

答案:C and表示并列,故应用动词eats,leaf应该用复数leaves。←注意动词、名词的形式。

14.Look!The dolphins _____ in the water.

A.is swimming

B.are swimming


答案:B 标志词“Look!”表明句子要用现在进行时态;主语“The dolphins”为复数形式。←标志词:Look!

15.—_____ she _____ during the day?

—Yes,she does.




答案:A 回答用助动词does;故问句也应用助动词does帮助构成一般疑问句。←看回答。



Elephants are _____ _____ interesting.

答案:kind of kind of有点、稍微。←英语和汉语对照一下,看看每个句子重点考查哪个词组或单词的用法。


He _____ _____ his friends _____ the day.

答案:plays with,during he作主语,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式;during the day在白天。


_____ _____ giraffes _____.

答案:Let’s see,first let sb. do sth.“让某人干某事”,let后加动词原形。


Lions _____ _____ from Africa.

答案:also come 或are also also用于助动词、系动词和情态动词后,行为动词前。


_____ _____ animals do you like?

答案:What other


21.I want to see the lions.(对划线部分提问)

_____ _____ you want _____ _____?

答案:What do,to do 对“动作”提问用“What...do?”,want to do sth.表示“想要干某事”。←对一个动作提问时要注意什么?

22.Can you tell me how I can get to the airport?(同义句转换)

Can you tell me _____ _____ _____ the airport?

答案:the way to the way to表示“去……的路”,这是复合句与简单句的转换。←问路的不同方式。

23.Mary wants to go to the zoo with her friends.(同义句转换)

Mary _____ _____ to go to the zoo with her friends.

答案:would like want to do sth.其同义词为would like to do sth.“想要干某事”;want有人称和数的变化,而would则没有。←注意同义词的转换。

24.His brother likes dolphins.(对划线部分提问)

_____ _____ _____his brother _____?

答案:What animals does,like 对动物提问用What animals或What animal,句中dolphins为复数形式。

25.Let’s see the pandas first.(同义句转换)

_____ _____ seeing the pandas first?

答案:What about Let’s...是表示建议的句型,此句型还有What/How about doing sth.?Shall we do sth.?Would you like to do sth.?←表示建议的句型有哪些?

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