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[04-24 22:25:18]   来源:http://www.guaimaomi.com  初一英语家庭作业   阅读:9803

概要:ost the ring. She looked everywhere in the kitchen but could not find it. Kate became very sad. She even cried.One evening at supper time, her brother, Peter, was eating some cakes.‘They are very good cakes! Who made them?’ asked Peter.‘I made them,’ Kate said. She was glad that her brother liked the cakes she made. She was very fond of cooking.‘Oh! What’s this?’ Peter suddenly stopped eating and spit something out.Kate was excited. ‘Oh, my ring!’ she cried. She took it to the kitchen, washed it and then came back. She thanked her brother.‘I’m sorry you got such a surprise,’ she



Answer true or false.

When Kate was 18 years old, her mother gave her a beautiful ring as a birthday present. Kate was very happy. A week later when she was working in the kitchen, she lost the ring. She looked everywhere in the kitchen but could not find it. Kate became very sad. She even cried.

One evening at supper time, her brother, Peter, was eating some cakes.

‘They are very good cakes! Who made them?’ asked Peter.

‘I made them,’ Kate said. She was glad that her brother liked the cakes she made. She was very fond of cooking.

‘Oh! What’s this?’ Peter suddenly stopped eating and spit something out.

Kate was excited. ‘Oh, my ring!’ she cried. She took it to the kitchen, washed it and then came back. She thanked her brother.

‘I’m sorry you got such a surprise,’ she said, ‘but thank you very much for finding my ring, Peter. I’ll make some more delicious cakes for you tomorrow.’

1. Kate got a ring as her 18 birthday present.

2. The ring was lost outside the kitchen.

3. Kate was good at making cakes.

4. The ring was found by her brother in one of the cakes she had made.

5. Kate didn’t like the ring very much.


关于In the Past的初一英语家庭作业练习 

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