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[04-24 22:25:18]   来源:http://www.guaimaomi.com  初中英语口语   阅读:9137

概要:9;m melting!我快热的化掉了2. The heat is blistering already, and women in the crowd shade themselves from the sun with plastic bags。*有时候夏天会热得让人觉得窒息,blistering就是形容那种热到让人觉得难受的大热天。3. Let's not go to the movies, it's stifling out there。*Stifle本身有窒息的意思,形容那种不仅高温而且让人喘不上来气的天气,即又热又闷。4. it's sizzling hot today, I don't feel like playing basketball。*石锅饭刚刚上桌的时候听到嘶嘶的声音,天气热到你感觉地面都要冒烟的时候,打篮球也许不是个好主意。5. Looks like another scorcher day, how are we gonna get through the next three months?*天会下雨,也可以下火,形容这种火炉般天气的词是scorcher。6. It's hot as heck!*因为太热而产生的抱怨,heck比hell要礼貌一些,更温和版本的抱怨。希望大家能够认真阅读这篇关于夏季高温的初中英语口语对话情景对话,以便在英语学习上取得优异的成绩。 www.guaimaomi.com



1. I'm melting!  我快热的化掉了

2. The heat is blistering already, and women in the crowd shade themselves from the sun with plastic bags。


3. Let's not go to the movies, it's stifling out there。


4. it's sizzling hot today, I don't feel like playing basketball。


5. Looks like another scorcher day, how are we gonna get through the next three months?


6. It's hot as heck!



标签:初中英语口语初中英语口语大全初中学习网 - 初中英语学习 - 初中英语口语
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