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[10-18 00:12:47]   来源:http://www.guaimaomi.com  初中学习方法   阅读:9240

概要: Tom have asked for leave[误] - Your handwriting is very good!- No, my handwriting is very poor[正] - Your handwriting is very good!- Thank you[析] 中国人遇到别人称赞,总是以谦逊为美德。但英美人则往往认为自信是美德。所以当别人夸奖你或赞美你时,就应说: Thank you 又比如中国人见面时常讲 Where are you going? 或 Have you had your breakfast yet?而英美人则认为你过多的干预别人的私生活了。而他们见面时往往问一些无关紧要的话,如: Hello! How are you going? (你过得怎样) Morning! 等。而 good morning 和 How do you do 则被认为是较正规的问候语,在日常生活中则十分少见。[误] When you have had dinner with an American friend and want to leave you may say: “Excuse me I‘ll go first”[正] When you have had dinner with an American friend and want to leave you may say: “Excuse me I have to go


[误] - Is anybody there?

- No, Bob and Tom have asked for leave

[正] - Is everybody there?

- No, Bob and Tom have asked for leave

[析] 许多学生在写作和选择答语或问句时总要语法在前,而不是习惯用语在先。所以总是要拘泥疑问句中的不定代词,用 anybody。 但是Is anybody there? 在英语中为:这里有人吗?而Is everybody there?为:全都到齐了吗?所以首先要考虑的是其答语。 No, Bob and Tom have asked for leave

[误] - Your handwriting is very good!

- No, my handwriting is very poor

[正] - Your handwriting is very good!

- Thank you

[析] 中国人遇到别人称赞,总是以谦逊为美德。但英美人则往往认为自信是美德。所以当别人夸奖你或赞美你时,就应说: Thank you 又比如中国人见面时常讲 Where are you going? 或 Have you had your breakfast yet?而英美人则认为你过多的干预别人的私生活了。而他们见面时往往问一些无关紧要的话,如: Hello! How are you going? (你过得怎样) Morning! 等。而 good morning 和 How do you do 则被认为是较正规的问候语,在日常生活中则十分少见。

[误] When you have had dinner with an American friend and want to leave you may say: “Excuse me I‘ll go first”

[正] When you have had dinner with an American friend and want to leave you may say: “Excuse me I have to go”

[析] 这两句答语都是正确的,其关键不是语法,而是习惯问题。如果在这样的场合你讲 I’ll go first 朋友们会迷惑不解,而 I have to go 则表示由于外界的特殊原因而造成的你要离去,而你本人则十分不愿做此事。

[误] - Would you like to come to dinner tonight?

- I‘d like to, and I’m too busy


[正] - Would you like to come to dinner tonight?

- I‘d like to, but I’m too busy

[析] I‘m too busy 与 I’d like to 在意义上正好相反。所以要用转折连词。这里考查了对词义合乎逻辑的表达能力。所以要强调语言环境,更要强调在语言的基础上的词语辨析。

[误] - Where‘s Deter

- Deter will come with us tonight but he isn’t very sure yet

[正] - Where‘s Deter?

- Deter may come with us tonight but he isn’t very sure yet

[析] 由于 but 所引出的句子可以看出 Deter 的来与不来是十分不确定的,所以应用 may 来表达一个不肯定的事件。

[误] - Hi, haven‘t seen you for ages! You look fine!

- Great You look well too

[正] - Hi, haven’t seen you for ages! You look fine!

- Thanks You look well too

[析] 要注意的是 Great 在口语中多表示惊叹,而 Thanks 则表示感谢对方的称赞。 所以对情景谈话要有准确的判定,要根据情景,身临其境,上下对照,周密思考,弄清场合,注意英美人的风俗习惯,注重语义上的词语辨析,并要进行大量的语言实践练习,扩大实际交际能力。

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