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[10-18 00:10:54]   来源:http://www.guaimaomi.com  高三英语试题   阅读:9710

概要:the interval. Adult ₤10. Child ₤7. Family ₤20.Booking advisable on 0845 4505157.Farmland Museum and Denny AbbeyFarmland Games: From Wellie Wanging to Pretend Ploughing matches, come and join the Farmland Team. Collect your sporting stickers and create a colorful rosette that is fit for a winner! No need to book, just turn up between 12:00 pm and 4:00 pm on Thursday, 19th August. Suitable for children aged four and above. Each child should be accompanied by an adult and all activities are included in the normal admission price. Tickets Cost: ₤7 per child.For further information, call 01223 81008053. If you are interested in co


Houghton Mill

Through the Looking Glass - a new production of the family favorite on Monday 30th, August. Bring rugs or chairs to sit on and a picnic if you wish to eat during the play. Gates open 5:30 pm, performance 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm. Tea room will be open until the end of the interval. Adult ₤10. Child ₤7. Family ₤20.

Booking advisable on 0845 4505157.

Farmland Museum and Denny Abbey

Farmland Games: From Wellie Wanging to Pretend Ploughing matches, come and join the Farmland Team. Collect your sporting stickers and create a colorful rosette that is fit for a winner! No need to book, just turn up between 12:00 pm and 4:00 pm on Thursday, 19th August. Suitable for children aged four and above. Each child should be accompanied by an adult and all activities are included in the normal admission price. Tickets Cost:  ₤7 per child.

For further information, call 01223 810080

53. If you are interested in cooking, you can go to _________.

A. Peterborough Museum                       B. Houghton Museum

C. Saxon Youth Club                           D. Farmland Museum

54. You want to watch the new play with your parents, so it will cost you __________.

A.  ₤7                B. ₤17              C. ₤27              D. ₤20

55. Which of the following activities needs Parents' company?

A. Playing farm games.                        B. Watching the new play.

C. Competing in sports activities.                D. Visiting the dinosaur exhibition.

56. How many activities will visitors have to choose from if they come to Peterborough Museum in August?

A. One activity.         B. Two activities.         C. Three activities.        D. Four activities.

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