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[05-23 10:36:28]   来源:http://www.guaimaomi.com  三年级英语寒假作业   阅读:9918

概要:的寒假学习计划,为此,www.guaimaomi.com小学频道为大家准备了2014年三年级寒假英语周记,希望能够切实的帮助大家!,I am a second-year student of a junior high school now. Right now, I am on a winter vacation. Most of our classmates stay at home for the vacation, because our Spring Festival, the Chinese New Year, is at this time too. However, I can still reach each other by phones or email. We exchange our ideas about our4 homework. We talk about what to do in the new year. I really like the vacation, because after homework, I still have time to watch TV.上述就是我们为大家精心准备的2014年三年级寒假英语周记,更多小学寒假周记、小学寒假作文和小学寒假计划,尽在www.guaimaomi.com,请大家及时关注!相关推荐小学三年级寒假英语周记范文小学三年级寒假英语周记精选范文 www.guaimaomi.com



,I am a second-year student of a junior high school now. Right now, I am on a winter vacation. Most of our classmates stay at home for the vacation, because our Spring Festival, the Chinese New Year, is at this time too. However, I can still reach each other by phones or email. We exchange our ideas about our4 homework. We talk about what to do in the new year. I really like the vacation, because after homework, I still have time to watch TV.





标签:三年级英语寒假作业小学三年级英语寒假作业大全,寒假作业答案小学英语教学 - 小学英语辅导 - 三年级英语辅导 - 三年级英语寒假作业
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