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[04-24 22:24:56]   来源:http://www.guaimaomi.com  六年级英语试卷   阅读:9780

概要:iddle school ___________make a mistake ___________all over the world ___________ride a bike ____________fly away ______________举行野餐 ______________小心 _______________棒球帽 ___________说汉语 ______________在太空中___________________选择填空。1 It’s easy make mistakes with English .A for B in C to2 Lots of children English now.A learn B are learning C learning3 They are playing football, it’s raining.A But BAnd C Or4 He’s going to go to school bus..A by B in C on5 Yang Liwei went in a spaceship made a video..A so B and C but6 We are going to Geography.A studied Bstudy C to study7




buy( 过去式)   _  swim( 现在分词)  __   children(单数) ____    hour (同音词)   __   fly(过去式)  ___   noisy(名词)    ___  am/is(过去式)  __    son(同音词)   ____  we (宾格)   ___   America(形容词)   __


middle school  ___________

make a mistake ___________

all over the world ___________

ride a bike ____________

fly away   ______________

举行野餐    ______________

小心    _______________

棒球帽   ___________

说汉语     ______________



1 It’s easy     make mistakes with English .

A  for   B in   C  to

2 Lots of children     English now.

A  learn  B are learning  C learning

3 They are playing football,     it’s raining.

A But   BAnd  C  Or

4  He’s going to go to school     bus..

A  by  B in   C on

5 Yang Liwei went in a spaceship     made a video..

A so  B and   C but

6 We are going to     Geography.

A  studied   Bstudy    C  to study

7      the matter?

A Who’s  BWhat’s  C Where’s

8 My parents often tell me     your family..

A  for   Babout  C  from

9     was he born?He was born in China

A Where   B When  C  What

10 there is a  letter     you。

A  for   Bwith  C  to

11  This cap     good.

A  look  B looks  C  looking

12  Why are you      ?.

A laugh  Blaughing  C to laugh

13 Piease take the cake out     three thirty..

A on   B in   C  at

14 I hope you are     a good time. .

A have  Bhaving  C  has

15 His grandma live to     90.

A is     Bwas  C be

16 Can I help you?     .. .

AI’m ill  BI lost my dog  C I want a hot dog.

17     is it?It’s 5 yuan. .

A How many Bhow much C How old

18 My uncle can     Chinese. .

A speak  B say  C  tell

19 He ‘s starting to cross,     a car is coming.. .

A and  Bbut  C  or

20     are you wearing a coat?Because it’s going to rain., .

AWhy  BWhat  C  How


1 She was  born  in  2003.(划线提问)

2 The shoes are  under the bed。.(划线提问)

3 They played basketball last week.(划线提问)

4 The  coat  is  25 yuan.(划线提问)

5 I am going to study English. (划线提问)

6 He bought a book for his father.(一般疑问句)

7 That is a  tree。(变为复数句)

8 snow,is going to, in Shenyang,it (连词成句)

9 I can give her my pencil.(同义句)

10 She wrote a book about herself.(变成否定句)

六 从右栏中找出左栏的答语。

1 (   )What do you want to drink?      A  Thank you.

2 (   )What is the weather like today?   B  A cola,please

3 (   )What is the time ?              C  Yes,he can.

4 (   )What dis the matter?            D  I had a cold.

5 (   )Why are you wearing a raincoat?  E It’s twelve.

6 (   )What are yougoingto study?v     F Sorry ,I can’t

7 (   )Who can help me?              G It’s three yuan.

8 (   )How  much is it?              H I’m going to study English

9 (   )Enjoy your meal               I  It’s cloud.

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