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[10-18 00:15:41]   来源:http://www.guaimaomi.com  初三英语试卷   阅读:9649

概要:he heavy rain.A. take off B. get off C put off D. set off【答案】C【2012浙江嘉兴】22. Let me _ your phone number and I'll call you when I'm free.A. cut down B. turn down C. look down D. write down【答案】D【2012浙江丽水】27. – Please ____________ the paper, Jimmy!–But 1 haven't checked It yet, Mr. Black.A. hand in B. take out C. look at D. go through【答案】A【2012浙江宁波】31. —So many problems! I'm too tired.—You should try to___________ them by yourself. You're not a child any longer.A. get over B. get off C. get on D. get into【答案】A【2012浙江衢州】25. — Jenny, would you please_______ my dog when I am away?— No problem.A. look


A. stood for B. belonged to C. heard about D. kept to


【2012浙江杭州】21. He failed in the math test and looks sad. Let's ________.

A. put him up B. set him up C. cheer him up D.clean him up


【2012浙江湖州】19. We have to ______ our sports meeting till next week because of the heavy rain.

A. take off B. get off C put off D. set off


【2012浙江嘉兴】22. Let me _ your phone number and I'll call you when I'm free.

A. cut down B. turn down C. look down D. write down


【2012浙江丽水】27. – Please ____________ the paper, Jimmy!

–But 1 haven't checked It yet, Mr. Black.

A. hand in B. take out C. look at D. go through


【2012浙江宁波】31. —So many problems! I'm too tired.

—You should try to___________ them by yourself. You're not a child any longer.

A. get over B. get off C. get on D. get into


【2012浙江衢州】25. — Jenny, would you please_______ my dog when I am away?

— No problem.

A. look up B. look in C, look at D. look after


【2012重庆市】35. You don’t have to worry about me. I’m old enough to myself.

A. look after B. look for C. look up D. look at


【2012贵州六盘水】36. it’s impolite to cut in line when you ________ a bus at the bus stop.

A. ask for B. look for C. care for D. wait for


【2012黑龙江黑河市】25. My grandpa is sleeping. Will you please_____the radio?

A. turn down B. turn up C. turn on


【2012湖北省荆州市】28. — I don’t think we can find a new day to work out the problem.

— But we’d better not .

A. end up. B. hand out C. give up D. put out


【2012山东•东营市】21. Don’t today’s work for tomorrow. Today’s work must be done today.

A. put up B. put out C. put off D. give up


【2012山东日照】32. -Never ________ today’s work till tomorrow.

-Yes. It’s a good habit.

A. put off B. put on C. put up D. put down



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