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[10-18 00:15:41]   来源:http://www.guaimaomi.com  初三英语试卷   阅读:9649

概要:处句意为:这是一场如此有趣的表演,以至于人们忍不住笑了一次又一次。故选C。【2012福建福州】42. — It's time for the weather report. Could I _____________ the TV, Dad?— Go ahead, please. I also want to know about the weather for tomorrow.A. turn on B. turn off C. turn down【答案】A【解析】选A。考查短语动词的辨析。turn on意为“打开”;turn off意为“关闭”;turn down意为“调小(音量等)”。由答语可知爸爸也想看电视了解天气状况,因此此处需要用表示“打开(电视)”的短语动词。故选A。【2012贵州贵阳】38. When you leave the reading room, you should remember to ______ the lights.A. turn on B. turn down C. turn off【答案】C考查动词短语的用法。turn on意为“打开”;turn down意为“关小”; turn off意为“关上”。根据句意:当你离开阅览室时,你应该记住把灯关上。故




 It was such a funny show that people couldn't help ____________again and again.

A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing


【解析】选C。考查固定搭配。can’t help doing sth. 意为“禁不住做某事”,此处句意为:这是一场如此有趣的表演,以至于人们忍不住笑了一次又一次。故选C。

【2012福建福州】42. — It's time for the weather report. Could I _____________ the TV, Dad?

— Go ahead, please. I also want to know about the weather for tomorrow.

A. turn on B. turn off C. turn down


【解析】选A。考查短语动词的辨析。turn on意为“打开”;turn off意为“关闭”;turn down意为“调小(音量等)”。由答语可知爸爸也想看电视了解天气状况,因此此处需要用表示“打开(电视)”的短语动词。故选A。

【2012贵州贵阳】38. When you leave the reading room, you should remember to ______ the lights.

A. turn on B. turn down C. turn off


考查动词短语的用法。turn on意为“打开”;turn down意为“关小”; turn off意为“关上”。根据句意:当你离开阅览室时,你应该记住把灯关上。故选C.

【2012贵州贵阳】42. Jimmy has sixteen broken bikes to _______ and give away to kids who don’t have bikes.

A. fix up B. set up C. put up


考查动词短语的用法。fix up意为“修理,改进”;set up意为“建立,创立”;put up意为“建造,张贴”。根据句意:吉米有16辆坏了的自行车需要修理,他把他们分给没有自行车的孩子们。故选A.

【2012.安徽省】45.-- Smoking is bad for your health.

--You're right. I decide to_________.

A. take it down B. find it out C. turn it off D. give it up


【2012甘肃鸡西市】25. My grandpa is sleeping. Will you please_____the radio?

A. turn down B. turn up C. turn on


【2012广东】41. I love this song by Lady Gaga. Would you the TV a bit, please? I can't hear it clearly.

A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn down


【2012贵州安顺】28.Mrs. Wang always asks us to _____ conversations in the English classes.

A.make up B.turn up C.end up D.look up


【2012黑龙江齐齐哈尔】25. My grandpa is sleeping. Will you please _____the radio?

A. turn down B. turn up C. turn on


【2012 湖北黄石】32.We should learn how to ______well with people around us.

A.get along B.get down C.get to D.get up


【2012•湖北•荆州】28. — I don’t think we can find a new day to work out the problem.

— But we’d better not .

A. end up B. hand out C. give up D. put out


【2012湖北十堰】36. ---Peter, the light in your room ____________ the whole night. What were you doing?

---Oh, I was busy writing a report.

A. turns on B. turned on C. is on D. was on


【2012•湖北•武汉】40. After winning the badminton championship at Wuhan Sports Center in May, the Chinese players" faces _____ with joy.

A. made up B. took up C. put up D. lit up


【2012湖北孝感】37. Lee all night in order to watch the football match between France and Italy.

A. put up B. stayed up C. got up D. showed up


【2011湖南株洲】23. It’s cold outside. You’d better ______ your coat.

A. put on B. take off C. put away


考查动词短语辨析。put on意为“穿上;上演”;take off意为“脱下;起飞”;put away意为“收拾”。根据句意“外面冷,你最好穿上外套”。故选A。

【2012江苏淮安】12. It’s cold outside. You’d better your coat and scarf.

A. work out B. put out C. have on D. put on


【2012江苏连云港】13.—Excuse me, Sir. But smoking is not allowed here.

— Sorry, I didn’t see the sign. I’ll my cigarette at once.

A. put out B. put away C. put up D. put off


【2012江苏苏州】14. Maggie wanted an evening job that would allow her to ______ her son during the day.

A. look at B. look around C. look after D. look out


【2012江苏宿迁】10. —Allen, your bedroom is in a mess?

—Sorry, Mum I’ll my things at once.

A. put on B. put away C. put out D. put up


【2012江苏徐州】5. Don’t forget to take your bag when you the bus.

A. get off B. take off C. turn off D. put off


【2012江苏盐城】8. Cao Wenxuan’s new book has just . Let’s go and buy one.

A. come over B. come down C. come on D. come out


【2012江苏扬州】10.—Don’t , my children. Keep working hard and you will win the match.

—Thank you, Mr. Zhang. We’ll try our best.

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