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[04-24 22:25:18]   来源:http://www.guaimaomi.com  四年级英语试卷   阅读:9626

概要:(5*1=5)1. 起床 2. 吃午饭 3.。做游戏4.去睡觉 5.看电视III.火眼金睛,选出不同类的一项。(5*1=5)( )1. A. banana B. cook C. farmer D. teacher( )2. A. pig B. worker C. cow D. hen( )3. A. breakfast B. lunch C. ship D.supper( )4. A. meat B.chicken C.vegetable D. fish( )5. A. games B. morning C. afternoon D.eveningIV.按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。(10*1=10)1.do(单三) 2.have(单三) 3.class(复数)4.sheep(复数) 5.do(否定缩写) 6. doesn’t(完全形式)7. work(名词) 8.drive(名词) 9. cow(复数)10.watch(单三)V. 快乐连线。(5*2=10)( )1. What is your father? A. They have some toys in the box.( )2. Who is that man? B. My father is a teacher.( )3. When do you get up? C. We have meat for lunch.( )4. What do you have in the box? E. I get up at six




1. n se A.马 F. 米饭 6. br kf st

2. d ct r B.护士 G. 警察 7.r ce

3. dr v C.医生 H.面条 8.p l c m n

4. d ck D. 司机 I. 饺子 9.n dle

5. h se E.鸭子 J.早饭 10.d mpl ng


1. 起床 2. 吃午饭 3.。做游戏

4.去睡觉 5.看电视


( )1. A. banana B. cook C. farmer D. teacher

( )2. A. pig B. worker C. cow D. hen

( )3. A. breakfast B. lunch C. ship D.supper

( )4. A. meat B.chicken C.vegetable D. fish

( )5. A. games B. morning C. afternoon D.evening


1.do(单三) 2.have(单三) 3.class(复数)

4.sheep(复数) 5.do(否定缩写) 6. doesn’t(完全形式)

7. work(名词) 8.drive(名词) 9. cow(复数)


V. 快乐连线。(5*2=10)

( )1. What is your father? A. They have some toys in the box.

( )2. Who is that man? B. My father is a teacher.

(  )3. When do you get up? C. We have meat for lunch.

( )4. What do you have in the box? E. I get up at six in the morning.

( )5. What do you have for lunch? F. He is my brother.

VI. 做选择,我最棒。(1*20=20)

( )1. I want a cook.

A. be B. to be C. is D. are

( )2. What your mother?

A. be B. about C. do D. does

( )3. What your grandpa and grandma? They farmers.

A. are are B. is is C. are is D. is are

( )4. What do you do the farm?

A. in B. under C. on D. at





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