小学英语提高经验---《新概念英语》学习指南[04-24 22:25:18] 来源:http://www.guaimaomi.com 小学英语学习方法 阅读:9830次
概要:养学员听、说、读、写、译等五大基本技能,充分发挥学生的英语学习潜力,使学员经过一定阶段的培训之后,英语水平与基本技能会有一个质的飞跃。*一册基础班:学习英语的敲门砖(First Thing First)讲练基本语音、语调(包括所有的音标、连读、同化)及英语中的基本语法、词法、句法及句型结构知识。学好第一册,是练好英语基本功的关键,适合于英语基础差,欲在短期内掌握英语基础的学习者。如能50%完成以下测试请进入第一册学习,90%正确率可选择学第二册。I Look at this:阅读以下例句:I am tried. He is tired.White these again. Begin each sentence with He.改写下面的句子,用He作句子的主语。1. I am going to telephone him.2. I can go with her.3. I have a new car.4. I like ice cream.5. I was at school yesterday.6. I don’t live here.II Look at this:阅读以下例句:There is a pencil on the desk. There are some pencils on the desk.Write these again. Begin each sentence with There are……改写下面的句子,将There a 小学英语提高经验---《新概念英语》学习指南,http://www.guaimaomi.comwww.guaimaomi.com为您整理了小学英语提高经验---《新概念英语》学习指南,希望和您一起探讨和学习英语! 《新概念英语》(New Concept English)作为享誉全球的最为经典地道的英语教材,以其严密的体系性、严谨的科学性、精湛的实用性、浓郁的趣味性深受英语学习者的青睐,《新概念英语》在中国有 30多年的历史,每年有数百万学习者,早已成为英语学习者的必选读物。我们抛弃以往只将《新概念英语》作为单一的泛读教材的模式,代之以全新独到的、大信息量的联想式的教学方法,多角度、全方位的教学手段,辅以丰富多彩、新颖实用的补充材料,逐步培养学员听、说、读、写、译等五大基本技能,充分发挥学生的英语学习潜力,使学员经过一定阶段的培训之后,英语水平与基本技能会有一个质的飞跃。 *一册基础班:学习英语的敲门砖(First Thing First)讲练基本语音、语调(包括所有的音标、连读、同化)及英语中的基本语法、词法、句法及句型结构知识。学好第一册,是练好英语基本功的关键,适合于英语基础差,欲在短期内掌握英语基础的学习者。如能50%完成以下测试请进入第一册学习,90%正确率可选择学第二册。 I Look at this: 阅读以下例句: I am tried. He is tired. White these again. Begin each sentence with He. 改写下面的句子,用He作句子的主语。 1. I am going to telephone him. 2. I can go with her. 3. I have a new car. 4. I like ice cream. 5. I was at school yesterday. 6. I don’t live here. II Look at this: 阅读以下例句: There is a pencil on the desk. There are some pencils on the desk. Write these again. Begin each sentence with There are…… 改写下面的句子,将There are 置于句首。 1. There is a watch on the table. 2. There is a knife near that tin. 3. There is a policeman in the kitchen. 4. There is a cup on the table. 5. There is a letter on the shelf. 6. There is a fish in the cupboard. 7. There is a tree in the garden. 8. There is a boat on the river. III Put a, some or any: 用a,some 或any 填空: 1. I have new car. 2. Do you want bread? 3. No, I don’t want bread. 4. I want tea. 5.I want biscuits, too. IV Put in, at , from or on: 用in,at,from或on填空: 1. He is going to telephone five o’clock. 2. My birthday is May 21st. 3. It is always cold February. 4. They always do their homework the evening. 5. Can you come Monday? V Put in across, over, between, off, along, in, on, into, out of, or under: 用across, over ,between, off, along, in, on, into, out of 或 under 填空: 1. The aero plane is flying the village. 2. The ship is going the bridge. 3. The boy is swimming the river. 4. Two cats are running the wall. 5. My books are the shelves. 6. The bottle of milk is the refrigerator. 7. The boy I jumping the branch. 8. Mary is sitting her mother and her father. 9. It is 9.0 o’clock. The children are going class. 10. It is 4.0 o’clock. The children are coming class. VI Look at this: 阅读以下例句: Take…… He is taking his book. Do these in the same way: 模仿例句完成以下句子: 1. Shine…… The sun is 2. Shave…… My father is 3. Run…… They are across the park. 4. Put…… He is on his coat. 5. Come…… I am VII Look at this: 阅读以下例句: He is sitting in an armchair. QUESTION: Is he sitting in a armchair? QUESTION: Where is he sitting? NEGATIVE: He isn’t sitting in an armchair. Do these in the same way: 模仿例句提问,并作出否定的回答: 1. There is a newspaper on the desk. Q: Q: What N: 2. He wants a new car. Q: Q: What N: 3. They must go home now. Q: Q: When N: 由www.guaimaomi.com为您提供的小学英语提高经验---《新概念英语》学习指南,感谢您阅读! 相关推荐: 英语过关宝典:小升初英语打好基础最重要 英语学习小窍门之“无所谓”的8种犀利表达 英语一点通:成绩提高的5个小窍门 小学生技能提高方法:学生最需要听的五句话 小学3-6年级英语重点指导
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