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冀教版四年级英语《Lesson 17:The Farm》教学设计

[04-24 22:23:23]   来源:http://www.guaimaomi.com  四年级英语教案   阅读:9179

概要:准备: Pictures Poster Tape教学过程:Pre—task preparation1、 Greet with the students.T: Good morning,boys and girls.S: Good morning,Miss Luo.T: What day is it?S: Tuesday.T: How is the weather today?S: Sunny.T: Today is cool,yes ?S: Yes.( 师生打招呼问候既增进师生间感情,又复习了前面所学会话。)T: Are you ready for English class ? Ok, let's listen to a song, then tell mewhat do you hear ?( 使学生轻松进入英语学习,活跃课堂气氛,同时引入新课。)2、 Play the audiotape.Listen to “old Macdonld had a farm”T: How many animals did you hear ? Do you like animals ? Ok, now I will takeyou to visit a farm.While –task preparation1、Show the students a poster.In the poster, there is a house field mud an

冀教版四年级英语《Lesson 17:The Farm》教学设计,http://www.guaimaomi.com

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冀教版四年级英语《Lesson 17:The Farm》教学设计


知识目标:1、本课学生应掌握(说、读、写、用) cow chicken duck pig

2、能听懂会说故事中的词汇farm friend mud pond ,并理解故事大意 。



教学准备: Pictures Poster Tape


Pre—task preparation

1、 Greet with the students.

T: Good morning,boys and girls.

S: Good morning,Miss Luo.

T: What day is it?

S: Tuesday.

T: How is the weather today?

S: Sunny.

T: Today is cool,yes ?

S: Yes.

( 师生打招呼问候既增进师生间感情,又复习了前面所学会话。)

T: Are you ready for English class ? Ok, let's listen to a song, then tell me what do you hear ?

( 使学生轻松进入英语学习,活跃课堂气氛,同时引入新课。)

2、 Play the audiotape.Listen to “old Macdonld had a farm”

T: How many animals did you hear ? Do you like animals ? Ok, now I will take you to visit a farm.

While –task preparation

1、Show the students a poster.In the poster, there is a house field mud and a pond.

T: On the farm, there are many animals.Look what is it ?( 出示鸡的图片 )Chicken. It's a chicken.( 出示多鸡图 )Chickens. Chicken chickens .Say it ,please.

S: Chicken chickens .

T: Here, what is it ?( 指牛图 ) Cow cow ,it's a cow. Say together. What are they?

( 指很多牛 )

S: Cows.

T: Oh, Is this a chicken ?( 指鸭子图 )

S: No.

T: Yes, it isn't a chicken. It's a duck. Duck duck. Say it ,please.

T: Look at this. Is this a cow ? Right, It's a pig.and these are pigs.( 出示猪的图片)

Now, class. Let's read the words three times.


2、Practice in pairs

T: You can find a partner. One say: point to the duck/ chicken/ pig/cow. The other point to the animals.

3、Point to the poster

T: On the farm, there are also field、mud、pond. ( 边说边贴上单词。

在牛脚下的庄稼上贴上field,在猪脚下泥巴上贴mud,在鸭子游水的池塘边贴上pond。) Read the words a few times.

Play the audiotape as the students follw in their books.

( 课本中内容刚才讲课过程中都已操练过,学生读起来没什么困难.)

4、Ok,now class. Let's watch a story.

①( 播放故事光盘,让学生说出故事讲的是一件什么事?)

②Listen to the audiotape, look at the story book. Then ask the class questions to make the students think. For example:

Who is this boy ?

Do you think he is a silly boy ?

What's on the farm ?

Why will he ride the animals in the mud ?

Why he didn't ride chicken and duck ?

Why he didn't ride cow ?

What animals love the mud ?

Did the boy like the mud ?

③Check the students comprehension.

④Ask for volunteers to retell the story in Chinese. Let each volunteer explain one picture.

Post—task activities

Do the exercises of Activity Book.

以上就是冀教版四年级英语《Lesson 17:The Farm》教学设计全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


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