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冀教版四年级英语Lesson 29: What Do You Like to Do教案

[04-24 22:23:23]   来源:http://www.guaimaomi.com  四年级英语教案   阅读:9802

概要:do… (我喜欢做……)c、情感目标:让学生感受愉悦和民主的课堂气氛,使学生的学习兴趣高涨,真正成为学习的主人。二、教学准备录音机、录音带,卡片,一个容器三、教学过程(一)、Greeting.T: Hello,everyone!C: Hello!(二)、New ConceptesT: I'm glad to meet you. I want to play a game with you. Do you want to playwith me?C: Yes ,we do.T: Ok, please look here,guess!(将一些动词短语的卡片放进一个容器中,再让一名学生从容器中抽出一张卡片,看完后根据短语作出相应的动作,请其他同学猜出短语)S: play basketball / play ping-pang / play football / play on the computer…(利用这个游戏来复习以前学过的这些动词短语,并使学生了解它们的含义为下边的内容打基础。然后把这些卡片贴在黑板上做为板书的一部分)T: What do you like to do ?I like to _____ ______.(教师指着黑板上的短语卡片,以自问自答的方式,来展示回答的方法,强调I like to ___________,如果学生不是很明白,教师可适当再进行1~2组)T: What do you like to do ?I

冀教版四年级英语Lesson 29: What Do You Like to Do教案,http://www.guaimaomi.com

www.guaimaomi.com小学频道搜集整理了冀教版四年级英语Lesson 29: What Do You Like to Do教案,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

冀教版四年级英语Lesson 29: What Do You Like to Do教案



重点句型:What do you like to do?你喜欢做什么?

I like to do… 我喜欢做……


能够熟练运用句型What do you like to do?(你喜欢做什么?)

I like to do… (我喜欢做……)







T: Hello,everyone!

C: Hello!

(二)、New Conceptes

T: I'm glad to meet you. I want to play a game with you. Do you want to play

with me?

C: Yes ,we do.

T: Ok, please look here,guess!


S: play basketball / play ping-pang / play football / play on the computer…


T: What do you like to do ?

I like to _____ ______.

(教师指着黑板上的短语卡片,以自问自答的方式,来展示回答的方法,强调I like to _____


T: What do you like to do ?

I like to _____ ______.(边说边做动作)

T: What do you like to do ?

S1: I like to _____ ______.

T: What do you like to do ?

S2: I like to _____ ______.

T: What does he like to do ?

S2: He likes to _____ ______.


T: What does she like to do ?

S3: She likes to _____ ______.

T: please make a dialogue in group with these sentences, then show your fruit.

I like to_____(play)_____(game).

I like to_____(play with)_____(a toy / toys).

I like to_____(play on)_____(the computer).


T: Ok,good! Please ears up! Listen to the tape, and answer my question.

① What does Danny like to do?

② What does Steven like to do?

③ What does Kim like to do?

④ What does Jenny like to do?


T: Who wants to show your fruit? Who is the first one?



T: Ok, it's time to rest. Play a game 'Smile, Frown' with “He/She likes

to_____(play/play with)_____(game/toys)”

(在这个游戏中我们可以分成两次来做,一次是有关运动项目的如:basketballand ping-pang,另一次是有关玩具的如:doll and

skipping rope。这样有助于学生正确地进行替换练习:用play或play with。)

(四)、Class closing

T: Are you happy ?

C: Yes, we are happy!

T: I'm happy too. Ok,now this class is over. Please say goodbye to me!

C: Goodbye!

T: Bye-bye!


What do you like to do?你喜欢做什么?

I like to do… 我喜欢做……

以上就是冀教版四年级英语Lesson 29: What Do You Like to Do教案全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


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